Felicitari pentru achizitie.
Treaba cu postavul e simpla. Daca iei postav cu latimea de 198 cm, vei avea nevoie de 2.9 metri lungime. Daca iei postav cu latimea de 165 cm, ai nevoie de 3.6 metri lungime. In final suma cheltuita ar trebui sa fie cam identica in ambele cazuri. In mod normal instalatorul mesei iti va putea spune ce latime a postavului prefera, desi nu ar trebui sa fie probleme cu niciuna din cele doua latimi.
Cand intri in posesia mesei, imi poti trimite niste poze cu modul cum arata cauciucul mantelor la buzunare? Apropo, ce cauciuc vine pe Dynamic Competition din fabrica, stii cumva?
Mai jos proof cu lungimile necesare:
https://www.dynamic-billard.de/en/billiard-accessories/billiard-table-cloth-felt/pool-table-cloth-felt/1424/billiard-cloth-simonis-860-165-cm?number=80.860.60.1This cloth has a width of 165 cm, suited for 7, 8 and 9 ft. tables.
We recommend the following measurements for covering a table including the rails:
9 ft: 3,60 metre = 36 decimetre
https://www.dynamic-billard.de/en/billiard-accessories/billiard-table-cloth-felt/pool-table-cloth-felt/1425/billiard-cloth-simonis-860-198-cm?c=1901This cloth has a width of 198 cm, suited for 9, 10 and 12 ft. tables.
We recommend the following measurements for covering a table including the rails:
9 ft: 2,90 metre = 29 decimetre
It's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
Player: Mezz ZZ38 + Ignite shaft
Break: Mezz Kai DI 2 + Mavro CF shaft
Jump: Mavro CF jump cue 4 pcs
Case: JB rugged 4x8
Accesories: Extension & glove, Mezz tip tool, Q-claw